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Firms not yet assigned a firm ID number must send a written request to the Registration Department. In said request, the firm must designate a Firm Agent, who will be responsible for managing firm-wide information. The request must be on the firm's letterhead and signed by a managing partner. It should include:
- the Firm Agent's name;
- their date of birth; and
- email address;
Addtionally, a complete roster of all firm attorneys with their fulll names, ARDC registration numbers and business addresses must be submitted along with the request.
The ARDC registration department will assign the firm ID to each attorney's profile. The request can be sent via email to registration@iardc.org.
Firm Agents will have access to the Firm’s profile and can complete actions for the firm including:
- update the firm's address;
- view registration status and registration requirements due for the firm roster;
- add/remove attorneys from the firm roster;
- update the firm's malpractice insurance;
- update the firm trust accounts;
- apply firm malpractice and trust data to the profiles of attorneys on the firm roster; and
- pay registration fees via check or ACH Withdrawal for all attorneys on the firm roster.
Attorneys are obligated to complete their annual registration process online on the ARDC registration website, even if the firm utilizes the Firm Module. However, attorneys need not provide malpractice insurance and trust account information if the firm provides this. Additionally, on the Firm Module, the firm may pay the registration fees for firm attorneys who are on Active and Inactive status.
Mandatory Pro Bono Question - Each individual attorney must complete the pro bono section of the registration process even if the firm submits aggregate pro bono data directly to the ARDC registration department. See FAQ – How should firm attorneys answer the mandatory pro bono question?