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The PMBR Program is a free and interactive online educational program provided by the Administrator of the ARDC regarding the professional responsibility requirements for the operation of a law firm. The PMBR Program is governed by Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e). PMBR Programs run on two-year cycles, with a new PMBR Program available in the even-numbered year of each two-year cycle. Each PMBR Program is divided into multiple separate modules which can be taken individually for MCLE credit. If all modules in one PMBR Program are completed, a lawyer can earn four hours of MCLE credit.

Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e), Illinois-licensed lawyers who represent at least one private client and do not have malpractice insurance must complete the full PMBR Program for four hours of MCLE professional responsibility credit.

Illinois lawyers who represent at least one private client and do not report that they maintain malpractice insurance are required to complete the PMBR Program or obtain malpractice insurance as a requirement of registering for the odd-numbered year of the two-year cycle.

If you have recently retired from your firm but are still representing at least one private client, then you are subject to this requirement.

If you are a government lawyer, a public defender, a prosecutor or corporate in-house counsel, then you are not subject to this requirement unless you represent at least one private client outside the scope of your primary employment.

If you are on Retired or Inactive registration status, then you are not subject to this requirement.

No. The CLE accredited PMBR Program is free.

No. Lawyers that are representing private clients can choose either to take the program or to obtain malpractice insurance.

If the lawyer obtains malpractice insurance before the registration deadline, the lawyer will not be required to take the program.

Lawyers who do not maintain malpractice insurance must complete the PMBR Program as a requirement of registering for the odd-numbered year for every two-year cycle.

Yes. Any lawyer can take the PMBR Program, or individual PMBR Program modules, regardless of whether they are required to do so pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e). If a lawyer completes the full PMBR Program, they will receive four hours of MCLE credit. If a lawyer completes any of the individual modules that comprise the PMBR Program, they will receive the corresponding amount of MCLE credit for the module, or modules they have completed. After completing each module that makes up the PMBR Program, lawyers will be able to take a short survey and receive a Certificate of Completion outlining the Illinois MCLE credit earned for each module..

A lawyer who registers for an even-numbered year or changes their registration during that even-numbered year, to reflect that they represent at least one private client and do not maintain malpractice insurance, must obtain malpractice insurance, or complete the PMBR Program for that designated two-year cycle by the registration deadline for the following odd-numbered year.

In 2024, those who are required to take the PMBR Program pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e) must complete the PMBR (2024-2025) Self-Assessment Program or obtain malpractice insurance before the 2025 registration deadline of December 31, 2024.

A lawyer who is required to take the PMBR Program pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e) and has not completed the PMBR Program or obtained malpractice insurance will not be allowed to register and will be removed from the master roll.

After completing each module that makes up the PMBR Program, you will be able to take a short survey and receive a Certificate of Completion outlining the Illinois MCLE credit earned for each module.

For Illinois lawyers required to take PMBR pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e), upon completing all Program modules, you will receive an email from the ARDC registration department (registration@iardc.org) that will serve as your PMBR Program Certification representing fulfillment of your PMBR attorney registration requirements for that two-year cycle.

Yes, you can complete the online registration process and pay your registration fees without taking the PMBR Program. However, you will not become registered until the program has been completed.

A lawyer, who has been removed from the master roll for failing to complete the PMBR Program, must complete the PMBR Program that is current at the time the lawyer wishes to be reinstated. In addition, any other outstanding attorney registration requirements must be completed.

Once you have received your PMBR Program Certification representing fulfillment of your PMBR attorney registration requirements and completed the registration process for the odd-numbered year of the PMBR two-year cycle, you will become registered and will be sent an automated email confirming your registration; you will also be sent an updated ID card in approximately three weeks. There is no need to contact the ARDC regarding PMBR completion.

Yes. Lawyers who complete all modules that make up the PMBR Program will earn four hours of free Illinois MCLE credit. Lawyers who complete any of the individual modules will receive the Illinois MCLE credit that corresponds with the module completed.

No. Pursuant to Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(e), all information related to a lawyer’s self-assessment is confidential, except for the fact of completion of the self-assessment. The ARDC will not be able to access specific self-assessment results for disciplinary proceedings and such results will not be discoverable.